
Costume challenges dancers commonly encounter while performing

Posted by Charismatico on 23rd Sep 2024

Costume challenges dancers commonly encounter while performing

Selecting the ideal costume for your performance is not only about the costume’s appearance, general fit, or comfort. You also need to consider common costume challenges that dancers face during performances and how your costume selection impacts the likelihood of you facing the same issues while dancing. Understanding just what those challenges are, and how you can overcome them, will go a long way to ensuring your costume selection looks and feels as amazing as your ability to move uninhibited during your performance.

The right fit

While it seems an obvious topic when talking about selecting a costume, there are a number of not-so-obvious points to keep in mind when ensuring the overall fit of your costume. Standing in front of the mirror and seeing it fall perfectly in place over your frame does not necessarily mean you will avoid one of the most common costume challenges that dancers face during performances, restriction of movement. Try a few dance moves to see if the costume allows for the freedom to perform at your best before deciding if you have the right fit.

Fabric makes the difference

You may love the look and feel of a certain fabric, however, if that fabric does not perform in accordance with your chosen dance style, it can cause your performance to fall flat, no matter how skilled a dancer you are. Imagine a Charleston being danced in a starchy fabric, as opposed to a classic fringed dress, or the full-flowing fabric of a flamenco costume being replaced with tulle. Avoid one of the common costume challenges that dancers face during performances by ensuring the fabric of your costume will work with you in your chosen dance genre instead of hindering the overall spectacle of your art.

Underwear choices

Perhaps not as well-known a fact as fit and fabric, your chosen underwear also impacts your appearance and ability to comfortably perform. Typically, a close-fitted nude colour is best as it negates the effect of any accidental exposure leaving your audience captivated by your dance moves as opposed to being distracted by the sight of your underwear. Common costume challenges that dancers face during performances if they have chosen inappropriate underwear include losing concentration on flips or high kicks due to the discomfort of “riding” underwear or concerns over exposure as well as detracting from your performance by drawing audience focus away from the show.


Last-minute alterations are almost a given with dance costumes as they must fit precisely to enhance your performance. There are times when a sequin comes loose, a seam may separate unexpectedly, or perhaps you have slightly altered your body size from weeks of intensive practice leading up to your show. This is a challenge to a dancer who does not have a lot of time for costume changes, however, definitely one to take into account. Be prepared for all instances with a small sewing kit, as you never know when or if an alteration will be needed.

Accessories can make or break your costume

Common costume challenges that dancers face during performances include ensuring their accessories remain in place. Elaborate headdresses, veils, and jewelry are all items that, while visually spectacular, can impede a dancer’s efforts if they are not affixed correctly. Focus is taken off performing your moves with precision and is placed on keeping your costume together which may require you to tone down your movements or position your hands in positions other than those which the dance calls for, for example, grasping your headpiece during a turn, which is never a complimentary move for any dance style!


The right shoes make all the difference in how you appear to your audience and how skillfully you can execute your dance moves. Imagine a tango danced in sneakers, it would affect the overall performance to become a lackluster show regardless of how amazingly executed the overall dance sequence was. This is why you must include shoe considerations in your overall costume choices. Common costume challenges that dancers face during performances include overcoming poor footwear choices. Always ensure you select appropriate shoes for your dance that are comfortable enough to wear for the duration of your performance. A slightly lower heel in place of stilettos will work wonders instead of a flat shoe if you find stilettos too painful, as you are free to execute your moves without trying to cover up the wincing pain of feet crammed into ill-fitting shoes that do not suit your feet.

Styling it

Each dance style has its own costume style that is designed to enhance the visual spectacle for the audience and emphasize the movements of the dancer. Common costume challenges that dancers face during performances occur when a costume is mismatched to their performance, causing the dancer to work harder on showcasing their skill. In some cases, the performance will fail regardless of a dancer’s ability when the dance style is not considered during the costume selection process. Costumes can either add a magical element to your display or be the cause of a lackluster performance, which is why it is imperative you match your costume perfectly to your dance style.

How do you overcome these common costume challenges that dancers face during performances? Work with a reputable costume designer such as Charismatico. Contact us today to discover the benefits of having a knowledgeable and quality team behind you in the quest for your perfect costume.